Monday, August 02, 2004

Continuing the Journey

Dear Hakaryu,
Well I was going to say this is a beginning, but I've learned enough to know beginnings and endings are better classified as significant events. Some of my greatest losses have resulted in untold gain and vice versa.
So even for a first post continuing seems the best way to say it.
You probably recognize the allusions to Saiyuki well I do not apologize for it. I believe wisdom can be found in the most surprising places and it can be most profound.
I want to mention at least one of my reasons for this. My friends, my companions, my soulmates, a handful of people that I hold sacred. Like Sanzo, I must relearn every day it seems of their true worth. And, even more so, how much I mean to them despite my sometimes downright devestating bad attitude. You'll get to know them too in time.
So, what is this for? Everything and anything. My thoughts, my hopes,my theories, my observations,my thanksgiving, my favorite things...
It is a doorway to my soul that I must open for will be with me every step of the way...


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