Friday, August 06, 2004

My first quiz results

It's me!

You are...Genjo Sanzo!
Genjo Sanzo

Which Saiyuki Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Shuiichi.
silly. childish. a dreamer

You are Shuiichi, the incredibly childish singer of
Bad Luck.
You have always wanted to be like your idol
'Ryuiichi Sakuma'.
You are clingy, obsessive, and a cry baby. But you
love everyone
around you, including your coldhearted boyfriend.
You are not one
to carry deep scars. You always heal, and carry on
life with a
happy face.

Gravitation quiz
brought to you by Quizilla


Blogger Seth's Own Star said...

Ok, for starters, yeah me for recruiting another fascinating and interesting individual to fill the vapid webspace with amazing musings and daily repetoire actually worthy of my time to read. Hallelujah!

You're killing me! "You can't take it with you!" Now I'm rolling, dude! That's too funny! Damn what a time to not have a digi cam! That woulda been great!

Oh, gee.. 10 days til...... DEATH DAY CAKE !!!!! Bwuahhahahahhahahah~~~~! You old fart! Hahahhahahahahah~! Bring on the gun priest! I ain't afraid of you or anybody else!

(And the dotdotdots don't bother me... coz I use them all the time! LOL)


P.S. I got Hakkai- posted it over at Rasvi Says So. I love quizzes!

August 8, 2004 at 1:55 AM  

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