Wednesday, August 11, 2004

The sleeping elemental inside...

Dear Hakaryu,
Well here we are at 5 in the morning again...I wonder if everyone is smarter or at least less censored when they first wake up...ah well, that's a meandering for another day...
And that means look out world it's time for another round of Sanzo's monkly musing well as a new addition Shuichi's lyrical wisdom(that would be where I just chronicle and possibly discuss some of my favorite lyrics or even just ones that struck me or coincided with the day)
So we'll start there and see what happens...
"This child has grown into a dead end. since I lost the power to pretend"-sad, very sad
"But old news can change, as memories float downstream. so don't judge me by my failures but only by my dreams"-anthemic, powerful
And both of these are in the same song(Non-Toxic by Sr-71)

Onto the musings now...I wanted to talk more about the elementals from my point of view...take what you will from it everything else it is only my opinion and I share it only to spark my free thinking and yours. Take it to heart if you wish...dismiss it as trash...use it to start a movement of free-thinkers....whichever it motivates you to do...
We all possess the potential to become elementals. Somewhere deep inside our souls locked away and needing to be cultivated is our understanding of our world, what we inherently know and what we are here to learn. Of the seven elements I believe to exist, a human soul has the power to become an elemental of one, two or all of them. Though I do believe we all have elements we feel a stroger connection to than others, there is nothing elitest about my theory. See TohmaMakubex's recent journal entry for why this might be so, it is fascinating...
But what I want to talk today about is potential and cultivation. Several people have called me a Story elemental. I'd like to thank them, it is something I try very hard to embrace and cultivate in myself. And I do believe it is the main element driving me on this life's journey. But if Story is my drive...Sound is my guide to inner knowledge...Soul is my constant companion teaching me graciousness...Home is the place I seek and sometimes see...Water nourishes my body...Wind leads me where I need to be...and Fire sparks the power in me to change.
That's a simple explanation of what each element is to me and when I tap into my own connection to each. It and I are the same and we learn from each other. Now not going too off-topic but what I mean by that is I believe we as human beings are responsible for caring for and culitvating the elements that stir and provide this world's heartbeat. Any one who acknoweledges their inherent connections with them feeds them and makes them eternal while the Source creates lines of communication to us directly through them. What a wonderful win win situation! This is actually part of the Alkhemyist practice of becoming Living Myth-the actual mission for a human Story elemental. I'd tell you more about the missions for the other six main elements but my faith is always growing and shaping itself(in other words I've just discovered there are such things)--but then I'm trying to create my own religion based on the idea of teaching others how to do the same for themselves--it will take a lifetime no doubt...
So the song...I just wanted to comment on the 'power to pretend' I think many people have lost it and that is a sad thing because pretending is a powerful way to draw on the creative power of the Source. Also a great exercise to cultivate the Story elemental within. It is not a new idea. Many faiths teach meditations where you imagine yourself as the falling leaves or the warm sun...this is what I'm talking about...I've just adapted the idea to include "pretending"...get so involved in a book or movie or (dear to my heart) anime that you are there and see what happens...see yourself as the character you most like or resemble... what can that teach you...if watching with a group who do they see themselves as? How about you?...then way way out there can you go further...write a journal entry from that character's point of view...find a new joy by doing something the character does(i.e. you've never tried gardening, but Sam from the Lord of the Rings grabs you by your heart...whether you think you are so much like him or wish to you take up gardening and before you know it you are making teas and herbal remedies for others or opening a greenhouse..Sam had something to teach you then didn't he?...but would you have learned it if you dismissed the idea and freedom to pretend as silly...probably not)...ah if you could only go to a Story reader like you do a tarot reader when you seek direction in life..I can see it now..."go rent (enter movie title here) or read(enter book title here) and all will be revealed"...
maybe I'll make myself a Story Tarot someday though how that would work I'd have to work out...
on the other side there are days where you just know you have to buy this book or watch this new anime or movie or revisit an old favorite so at least some of time you can be your own guide but it would be cool to have a tool of some sort to help when intuition takes a holiday(Like when the little man in Goyjo's head takes a vacation)


Blogger Seth's Own Star said...

OMG! This is me dying... ACKKSDFHAKKFC! You did not mention Ralph (the man in Goyjo's head).. that's killer!

Anyhow, I would like to tell you something in complete and total honesty: I have taken to actually checking your blog when I online to see if you've written anything because in the infinity that is the web & all the blogs/livejournals/newsletters I've seen/read/been subscribed to your's is actually worth reading & interesting & captivating.

Much love! Can't wait to see you tomorrow!

)O( HiroGoyjo )O(

August 11, 2004 at 10:54 PM  

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