Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Hey Sanzo where you been?

Dear Hakaryu,

I am sure that is the question on your mind today...where have you been...ah well i have been doing the whole let's see how many different emotions we can fit into two days kind of thing...
today is going to be choppy and I ask you to bear with me...
On Sunday I went on nothing less than a personal religious pilgrimage...I saw Clay Aiken in concert...those who know me know I have always found concerts to be highly moving enlightening occurances...not just because of the concert smell(a joke about how most concerts I have been involove clouds of marijauna smoke and a contacy high)
But this was different...I knew from the first note that the young man I was seeing was not just a singer but an instrument of the Source plain and simple...and of course because nothing is ever JUST plain and simple for me I started to think about how each one of us has that ability...not just an artist but an instrument of the Source...not just a writer but an instrument of the Source...
then I start to think but I don't like that being just an instrument it takes away too much of my individuality...
then I thought on it some instrument is a creation made with love and skill, no two are the same, how can the be even if you made them with the same love and design, each would be made of a different blending of raw materials...a musician breathes life into the instrument so it can share it's sound and story with the world as much as the musician himself wishes to do...
ok so I ask myself is there anything in this world as beautiful and complex and the sound and structure of an instrument..few fact isn't it a great metaphor for the human soul...
so if I consider myself to be an instrument of the Source that means by MY definition...the Source breathes life into me allowing me to share my sound and voice the way a virtuso can play a unique violin and bring out it's very essence...
hey, maybe that isn't such a bad thing...
after all the most well made love fostered instrument doesn't really come to life if it stubbornly refuses to accept the musician's will sit in a corner somewhere and maybe look beautiful but it's soul will cry in pain if it is not allowed to sing...and it can not sing without the player...
so I've decided to see it a little differently and see what happens when I allow the Source to pick me up and play my music...I wonder what will happen I wonder has already changed inme...
Back to is an example of someone who already knows what I've just considered. He sings and you can feel the Source and you can know the Source. Emotive truth,healing sound. If only every concert left me so Source-filled. But this one was special and it reminded me that special awe inspiring moments occur. At a time when I had nearly lost faith in the power of a live concert...but as I could write a book I'll leave it there and say see you tomorrow when we might even discuss Buddhism or the merits of putting pineapple on hamburgers


Blogger Seth's Own Star said...

As I see it, your initial distaste at being "an instrument of the Source" comes from the Christian thought that people, especially preachers, are "instruments of God", but they have it all wrong. They believe to be an instrument is to be controlled, without any will of your own, your wants don't matter. You must do only what God wills, with no choice in the matter. And that's so wrong. (The Christians always fuck up the beautifull, spiritual lessons the Divine tries to share with them......x_x) Being an in instrument is as meaning you make the choice to be awake, be aware, be enlightened.. and you make the choice to bring what you discover, learn, are told to the rest of the un-enlightened world that they may see what you see when you look around you. It's like the difference between a boring teacher and that teacher you will always remember. Both are instruments of the school system, but the boring teacher thinks being a teacher means quoting chapter and verse from the almighty curriculum guide and Nazi-ish following of the syllabus. The favourite teacher is also an instrument, but they know how to truly reach the magick place in their students that makes them listen and really learn. They teach the same things as the boring teacher, but you remember what they say & the time in their class stays with you.

Being an instrument simply means being willing to listen when the Divine speaks to you and being open to ideas and projects that will bring that message to the un-aware world around you.


It makes me very happy to see that you finally walked thru the wall. I told you it wasn't really there.

;_; Why didn't you tell me any of this when you were over the other day?! It would've made me very happy to know that you were making such progress...

September 12, 2004 at 10:13 AM  

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