Friday, February 11, 2005

new quiz

Saiyuki Psychoanalysis by WildeLamassu
Is a cigar just a cigar?
Tell me about your mother.
Your IdNii's Bunny
Your EgoHakuryuu
Your SuperegoNii
Your Oral FixationNii
Your Talking CureGojyo's One-Night Stand
Your Dream Symbol (Snake)Goku
Your PsychiatristTenpou
Number of Sessions39
You Now Owe$530,513
Quiz created with MemeGen!


Blogger Seth's Own Star said...

My blog is hating me.. I'm being punished (fairly certain) for my neglecting it.. I don't think it understands that I've been neglecting everything... Oh well, I tried to do the thing, but my blog says the "tags" are broken & refuses to post it. Stoopid blog. Your new background is all black & blah & blah.. What's up with that????

February 19, 2005 at 4:43 PM  

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