Wednesday, November 24, 2004

had to post this one...

Dear Hakaryu...
Hakkai, Goyjo, dk you have got to take this quiz it is so perverse!!!
YOU, my friend, are not a very good bunny lover.
The poor bunny is used, abused, torn, and just
plain hurt. Look at that treatment! You ought
to be ashamed! You finally get the chance to
snuggle something without too many people
making fun of you, and look how poor Bunny is
treated! I hope you're happy!

Which Saiyuki Bunny Pairing Are You?
brought to you by



Blogger Seth's Own Star said...

Dude, you didn't post the link to follow.. so how do I take the quiz, Monk!!!

December 26, 2004 at 5:50 PM  

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