Wednesday, September 08, 2004

New Horizons

Dear Hakaryu,
I think I like this blue color today...I'm stating a doozy of a project today...three tarot unicorn one(everything before now is officially filed under the word...sketch), a fanart yaoi oracle, and an anime Alkhemyist tarot...oh my God, am I cracked or inspired...somewhere I hear Hakkai answering equivically YES...
But...let's be honest I am not doing this half assed...
I am going to meditate on the traditional cards I'm going to keep track of(sort of stole that idea from Hakkai) every stray thought about any of this(see Goyjo I listened) plus when I get the picture in my head I have a valuable resource and a good friend waiting in the wings to help me make it everything it can be(you are truly invaluable, DK ) plus TohmaM to whispersing in my ear encouragement from his computer fortress many miles away other words with my Alkhemiyst clans' support well quite frankly I have no excuse not to get I?
First and foremost, these are for of 27 schools of thought and magic to remember my Esta'qualey(Master Alkemiyst) position is Light Bringer(a very artistic/visual school)...okay I SO have to refer to my own notes here..brb...
ok self here it is in b+w...our mission statement(the smaller version) so we never forget...
(from the Upper Realities (Alkhemyist Rising))
....may I always remember it...

Exhausted Frank put the quill down as he finished writing the last sentence.
"I want to show you something," the Unknown appeared as Frank finished the sentence, "This is my God thoughts so to speak. You've earned the right to read it."

The Realm of the Real(cont.)

One,*******, has chosen to live and die in a heartbeat of a moment as I need him to, in order to access everything of every lifetime and in doing so become immortal and infinite and aware. By doing so, he will possess the knowledge of the falsity of death and never truly forget
...also to be restored and torn from soulmate

restored as one, Stacey G, gifted with the ability to rediscover and recreate the Upper Realities. Soul path of the Phoenix. Last walk as human of the Real. Soulmate restored.

reborn as ...Rae Firechild, final carrier of the ring of the Silver phoenix, soul path of the Phoenix. To realize and restore the old ways to the Upper Realities by experiencing the gift of a shattered soul with Uncle Frank. Also previously the Ultima of Death

and Uncle Frank, walking the line between self realization and self parody in the search for understanding and eventual forgiveness towards soulmate. Choose to have soul shattered to acheive this. Sworn to learn the truth of Karma at all costs. Also previously the Ultima of Death

The Unknown flipped ahead. "This is the most important part."

Frankie Alkhemiyst, Father God of the Upper Realities living in the Real to become originator of the Alkhemyists. He who IS the Unknown, beloved creation of the Source. To know great love, to give it equally. To foster, guide cherish and govern the world he created and continues to create as the Silver Phoenix, Rhay'nemecurial. To reunite with the Golden Serpent,Sire'ean and end their eons long quest for each other. To rule fairly and justly all of his part of the Multiverses.

To take his true name by walking in every world boldly and enthusiastically. To find and share new worlds and new stories.
To realize his true purpose in the Real: enjoying everything with the heart of a De'mon and the soul of an Ochian. To love and be loved by his Soulmate. To contribute to the beauty and magic manifested in the Real by creating art and speaking his truth.

Greatest Challenge, manifesting the Unknown, first in the story, then the Upper Realities until it permeates the Real. Must learn and except is no longer a human who dreams of becoming a magical being but a magicial being of De'mon/Ochian descent who is the embodiment of the Silver Phoenix, Rhayn'emecurial. God of his realm. No more or less a part of the Real, no more the Real's property than a myth.

Frank finished reading. "A myth?"

"A living myth. For what else is an acting god but a living myth. Now your world has many myths, many ways to the Source, as does the Real. You are in the Real as a favor to the Source. You chose to live as myth. The myth of yourself. Frank Alkhemyist, sound and story, fire and home,wizard and god,artisan and lover. While you do so, you lead others to their own myths of their selves."

'Here's the secret, by becoming living myth you make a new gateway to the source for anyone who wishes it in the Real. Anyone who finds their way to you can find their own way to the Source even enter the Upper Realities if they wish and call you teacher, Father Alkhemyist. But don't concern yourself with that just yet. Now, expect to be this for a very long time because the source wishes to know every one of it's children and you and the Other are it's ambassadors from the Upper Realities. It asks and
will aide you in defying the mundane part of the Real if you will accept and become the Unknown, here and there."

"I don't know, i just don't know if i can do it." Frank wiped away a tear. "Though it is what I truly wish to be and do. It sounds too incredible, to important to trust to to me. Why me and not another more worthy? I couldn't possibly..."

"What if I could prove it to you? That you are. That you can."

"If you could, I would try."

'Alright, I want you to call all the threads of the Ultima's around you as you write this. Imagine them forming a beautiful cloak around you. Alright now, got it? Look at the shirt you are wearing."

"Come again?"

"The shirt. The one you are wearing in the Real. It possesses every color of every Ultima, does it not?"

"This is weird. And I fail to see what it proves."

"No, it's not. This is what IS real. Here and there, every minute of every day. Change what you are looking at and reality shifts. Fred wasn't as crazy as people thought."

"Hey wait a minute. It's gone. My necklace, the Cross of Illsarek! The stone fell out!"

"Go see if you can find it.."

(returning) "You will never believe what just happened"

"Let me guess, you witnessed a child pick it up and proceed to tell his friend a certain famous boy wizard secretly gave him the Sorcerer's stone to keep safe. And no one, Frank, no one will ever be able to convince that child otherwise. Because that stone fell away from your necklace when it became complete and you didn't need it anymore. It became an Alkhemyist Stone, the first one brought into being. It will go on to unlock that boy's dreams his wishes his true self if he so wishes. And someday he will, so see you have just given birth to another Alkhemyist. That child will have that special moment and that little stone forever unless of course he passes it on to another when it has been completed for him."
Frank,no I blinked away tear and was once again here and there all at once. "That is how you change the Real. You may not even know you are doing it. But I wanted to cheat a little to get you over your doubt." The Unknown smiled warmly, "Now, are you ready for what comes next?"

That was written over three years ago, I look back and go wow and I have to ask myself how i'm doing and if indeed I am ready for what comes next? If I am doing it for me then I think that answers the question itself.


Blogger Seth's Own Star said...

Ask me again what happens when you let the creative artiste touch the Divine & spiritual.

September 12, 2004 at 10:00 AM  

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