Friday, September 17, 2004

the 10th question...

Dear Hakaryu,
feeling incredibly inspired today...first have added a FOURTH tarot to the list this one a yuri deck...first one i will do will be Sora and Leila from Kaliedo's going to be based on the idea that they are in a show that tells the story of the moon falling in love with the ocean...
on the others Hakkai has just said do what you want to draw and the tarot will create itself plus he has offered to write the corresponding passages so that frees me up to create...yesterday I already came up with five skeletons I gave to DK and now am working from sketch storyboards he provided....
I have to talk about this though...because it's one of those Alkhemyist lessons from an anime I hope I never leave behind...when you see the best of yourself, the worst of yourself and perhaps most important of all the truth of yourself in a character or situation it can stop you in your tracks and then start you on your way...this happened just recently...
in the last episode of Naruto I watched the 25th i think(I apologize if this is a spoiler) the young genins(apprentice ninjas) are faced with a harrowing test that will decide their future as ninja in the chunin(that would be the next step) exam...
I have identified with Naruto from the start...he is made fun of, shunned, not taken seriously, and yet lives and breathes to become a ninja...just just any ninja either but the Hokage(the greatest ninja in his village and the next leader of his people)...did I mention he is not perfect...his most perfect moments occur when he is just being himself but he is stubborn, egocentric, reckless,sometimes when in doubt he will purposely pursue attention in not always the most constructive way...he is also incredibly sweet and adores the few people he lets get close to him...
however this episode made me really understand a little more about him and myself...
The test begins with a written exam...a difficult written exam and not Naruto's strong suit anyway...45 minutes to answer nine questions and if you get caught cheating too many times you are out of the test..and so are the other two partners on your team...the test is over for all of you this year...SCARY...but you have to make a choice...already you are likely caught up in what you might do in this situation( I was)...
Naruto's three person team consists of him, rival (and friend)Sasuke and tough girl tomboy genuis Sakura. Naruto knows that Sakura is likely able to answer every question and Sasuke will find a way to cheat without being caught...Naruto is desperate he is unsure if he can cheat without being caught and try as he might he can not begin to answer a single question on his own(making his score a zero for the time being -yet another way to destroy all three of their chances of moving on to the next test this year) agonizing over it the sweet girl next to him offers to let him cheat off her paper which he considers but again the price of being caught is too high(even if he could stand to wait a year he can't stand the idea of holding any one back especially his two he waits for the tenth question to be given at the end of 45 minutes maybe he can get that one fair and square and save all of them from having to leave...
So if you too are sure how you'd act at this point don't get to ahead of yourself...the number of prospective nins is dwindling as cheaters get caught and get themselves and their two fellows thrown out...then it is time for question is where you really learn something about yourself...alright the examiner says, now that they've weeded out the weak ones the ones not ready to be chunin..he will give you the question...
but first you must choose to take it or not....
If any of the three team members takes it and gets it wrong, they will never get to become chunin ever!!! if they leave, walk away right now they will forfeit their entire teams chances for this year...
You learn several things about Naruto's friends, Sakura who already got everything right up til now can't just sit there and begins to raise her hand she'd rather wait til next year than see Naruto risk it all his dream possibly crushed because he gets the wrong answer and she fears he will take it anyway not to jeopardize her and Sasuke's future...Sasuke is silently mentally trying to tell Naruto it is okay to raise his hand it's not worth it for him to stay though you can tell Sasuke does not want to be sent away...then Naruto raises his shaking hand shocking both Sakura and Sasuke...
and though he only is speaking his mind and making his choice when he is done with what he one else raises their hand, no one else asks to leave and the examiner is left with the largest group of prospective chunin to ever get this far in a single year...
remember I am working with subtitles here so I paraphrase but Naruto says he will take the question because he has already decided to walk his own path to becoming a ninja and even if you tell him he will never be more than a genin he will STILL become the next Hokage...but this is the next step in his dream to get to that goal and he won't walk away from any oppurtunity so great...he will take the question and if this way is blocked for him from doing so he will make another...but he will not just turn from the chance even if it means never for him and next year for his see then all the hands that had been raised go down and Naruto is competely oblivious to the rippling effect of his conviction.
the teacher knows though, there won't be anymore volunteers to leave the room...he sighs and announces Question 10...
The first nine questions were used to test your information gathering skills, they were encouraging you to are after all NINJA it IS an important skill...but none of those answers are important it is all about Question 10...
You pass and move on to the next level...question 10 WAS the choice you made about your future.
I was just like passed, you are one step closer to your dream because you weren't willing to walk away even if staying meant possibly losing the oppurtunity forever and leaving meant only a year of waiting possibly before it came again...that is the explanation for most every decision I have ever made, most of the ones I have been mocked for, all of the ones I have felt regret for...but when viewed this way it is all Question I pass every time...and here I am without a single way I want to go blocked because of it...
there's a line in the end title song of Naruto that I take as one of my own...
"waiting is wasting for people like me"
and for everyone who takes the chance and answers question 10....


Blogger Seth's Own Star said...

You know, it never occurred to me to walk away.. from anything. I think that's why I have so much trouble understanding people who stay in their safe little box. The world makes no room for safe. I have always and forever gone forward boldly and without thinking about "What if this doesn't work out?" Of course, the thought is their, but I ignore it. If you allow yourself even a second to think "What if?" it's already too late and the opportunity has passed by. I think maybe "I Take My Chances" By Mary Chapin Carpenter should be my personal theme musick..... it fits me all too well.

September 18, 2004 at 12:17 AM  

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